6-25 CDD REPOSITORY FACT SHEET PRODUCT NAME: CDD/Repository for VMS V5 AND CDD/Repository for ULTRIX V5 OVERVIEW: CDD/Repository is the next major release of Digital's active, distributed repository system that delivers the capabilities for Digital's customers to organize, manage, control and integrate tools and applications across the entire enterprise. It is an expansion of the Version 4.0 CDD/Plus dictionary product in two key directions: scope and function. . The scope is expanding from storing information about data (records, fields, elements and procedures), to storing information about objects (anything involved in software development or information management such as modules of code, databases, models, files or documentation) and methods (operations that can be performed on one or more objects such as create, edit, display). This is accomplished by adding an object- oriented interface called ATIS (A Tools Integration Standard) to the CDD/Repository and by developing a model of the objects that ship with the CDD/Repository. Digital has proposed ATIS as an extension to ANSI and ISO IRDS standards and ATIS has been accepted as a draft proposal in the ANSI IRDS committee. . In CDD/Repository, the existing function of storing information is augmented with services that assist in creating a controlled and disciplined software development environment. The ability to do anything with, or to, objects in the repository (e.g., read, create new versions, replace existing versions, move from testing to production) are controlled on an individual level. This service allows software development organizations to enforce project management control policies and allows information management organizations to control access in information access environments. KEY FEATURES AND BENEFITS: FEATURE BENEFIT Object-oriented model - A powerful and more natural way of representing complex environments - Enables the use of behavior stored in the repository Available on VAX (VMS) - Greater flexibility; design applications on and RISC (ULTRIX) one platform, run them on another platform Extensibility - Allows for the evolution of new software - Allows users to customize repository Interface based on Standards - Stability for customers and software vendors Published information model - Third-party vendors can more easily integrate with the repository - Reduction of redundant data, simplification of the development process and higher quality products Support for system - Enforcement of the life cycle is made easier for life cycle the manager - Programmers can build and test new versions of programs without disrupting production systems Distributed or centralized - Customers can set up the repository to repository correspond to the way they do business Compatibility with CDD/Plus - Tools and applications that run with CDD/Plus will continue to work with CDD/Repository HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: . VAX/VMS systems and RISC/ULTRIX Systems SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: . VMS V5.4 and ULTRIX V4.2 operating systems . Prerequisite products include Rdb/VMS V4 and ULTRIX SQL V2. PRICING AND AVAILABILITY: . Price for CDD/Repository for VMS V5 is from $750 to $48,200, depending on processor . Price for CDD/Repository for ULTRIX V5 is from $1,650 to $23,350, depending on processor . CDD/Repository for VMS V5 will be available in November 1991 . CDD/Repository for ULTRIX V5 will be available in February 1992. The Digital logo, CDD/Plus, CDD/Repository, VAX, VMS, and ULTRIX are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 6-25 CDD/ADMINISTRATOR FACT SHEET PRODUCT NAME: CDD/Administrator for VMS V1 CDD/Administrator for ULTRIX V1 OVERVIEW: CDD/Administrator is an easy-to-use repository administration tool that provides a graphical user interface to CDD/Repository on both VAX/VMS and RISC/ULTRIX. CDD/Administrator is a separate product from CDD/Repository and it fulfills several of the major customer requirements on CDD/Repository, by providing a DECwindows Motif-based alternative to CDO; an easier means of locating definitions; and user-specified reporting. Existing CDD/Plus customers can use CDD/Administrator as soon as they upgrade to the next release of CDD/Plus, now renamed to CDD/Repository V5.0. CDD/Administrator provides multiple styles of customizable navigators to quickly locate objects stored in CDD/Repository, and customizable editors to display, modify, or create objections in CDD/Repository. In addition, CDD/Administrator provides customers with a way of defining standard or ad-hoc reports tailored to their unique needs. KEY FEATURES AND BENEFITS: FEATURE BENEFIT DECwindows Motif graphical Easy-to-use means of locating, querying, user interface manipulating, & reporting on CDD/Repository contents. Motif-based to provide consistency with other products. Navigators & Editors fully Increased productivity and flexibility customizable by the customer for the customer. Easily supports multiple views of the repository for different users. Reporting--ad-hoc or Provides flexibility to create reports standard customized reports for ad-hoc analysis and provides cost effective standard & customized reports Supports CDA-compliant formats. Keywords--in and out of Allows quicker location of definitions context of objects. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: . VAX/VMS with DECwindows-compliant display device . RISC/ULTRIX with DECwindows-compliant display device SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: . The operating systems required are VMS V5.4-2 or ULTRIX V4.2 . Prerequisite products on VAX/VMS are CDD/Repository for VMS V5 and DECwindows Motif V1 . Prerequisite products on RISC/ULTRIX is CDD/Repository for ULTRIX V5 PRICING AND AVAILABILITY: . The user/activity license for CDD/Administrator for VMS is $6,642. . The user/activity license for CDD/Administrator for ULTRIX is $6,642. . CDD/Administrator on VMS will be available January 1992. . CDD/Administrator on ULTRIX will be available February 1992. The Digital logo, CDA, CDD/Administrator, CDD/Plus, CDD/Repository, DECwindows, VAX, VMS, and ULTRIX are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation.